Keep in touch on Social Media
Keep in touch on Social Media
In a world obsessed with ideals of physical perfection and flexibility, we often hear the question: "Am I too stiff for yoga?"
We start with a different question: "Why yoga?"
Yoga is not about touching your toes or twisting into complex poses; it's about the journey towards self-acceptance and understanding. It’s about connecting with your body, not just contorting it. That’s why my mission is to break the myth that yoga is only for the bendy bodies and to showcase its accessibility to everyone—regardless of age, size, or flexibility.
Amidst the myriad of yoga styles, Iyengar Yoga stands out—not for its emphasis on flexibility, but for its commitment to precision, alignment, and the therapeutic benefits. Iyengar Yoga is founded on the belief that yoga is accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical condition or age. It's about understanding and working with your body, not against it. Through the use of props and personalized adjustments, Iyengar Yoga makes the practice available to all, promoting healing, strength, and balance.
Post March-2020 and COVID-19 all classes are now running online. The Iyengar method is very precise and transfers well to the online medium. The screen set up allows me to see each participant and offer suggestions and see clearly where the issues and difficulties are arising.
All online classes are recorded and recordings are available to rent over Vimeo and Momence.
Before the pandemic, I travelled and taught all over Europe, America and the UK. Over the pandemic and even now we conduct a few workshops over zoom. However in-person workshops and retreats are being planned.
If you want to find out more click the button below which will take you to the workshops & retreats website.!